After Blogging about the iPad a few days ago Here , I need to bring up one of my biggest bugbears with the iPad. While the iPad is a good platform for basic research, it's not the tool to research and write from that research at the same time. Switching between safari tabs, safari and Email and anything else, evernote, dropbox, ibooks any few apps quickly becomes annoying as does the cutting and pasting. cut and paste works ok on the ipad for the odd operation, but as a regular thing, it's a pain. Blogger's 'create post' page does not work very well, failing to even scroll the main window and there are very few clients you can test. Yes, yes, I know it's for consumption, the iPad's not for creating, but why shouldn't it be. We don't all do what Steve Jobs tells us.
A place where I can post random thoughts which don't fit into 140 characters.