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Showing posts from April, 2005

HHGTTG Film Review

OK Things I loved about the Film: The whole Trillian rescue thing The Heart of Gold (although I don't think that the name was mentioned) The graphics for the guide The radio theme tune being used Stephen Fry as the book Simon Jones... Things I liked about the Film: Arthur Zooey Deschanel (Beautiful, excellent character) Zaphod Marvin The Vogons Eddie Deep Thought TV Series Marvin Cameo Things I disliked about the Film: Alan Rickman's mockney accent for marvin The whole Musical opening sequence (although I have to say that the song is catchy, the visuals irritated the hell out of me) Bill Nighy as Slartibartfast (I was looking forward to him, but he was just Bill nighy, he was meant to be forgetful not dippy) Ford was meant to lead Arthur, but he virtually ignored him after they got on the heart of gold Deep thought watching TV In the end credits the wording is changed from "I seem to be having tremendous difficulties with my lifestyle." bu

I LOVE my iPod

I am now an iPod convert, I've only been playing with this mini for 15 minutes, and I now know what the fuss is about, I do still think that it's expensive, but I can see where the extra money has gone. The clickwheel is amazing, I spent 5 minutes trying to turn the volume down, until I read the instructions and found the clickwheel touchy thingy. The quality is just Apple all over. So now I have it, I want to buy some extras for it. Starting with a power lead as the USB cable is restrictive for being away I fancy a dock What other items would people recommend?