OK, I love Sony Equipment. My Stereo I bought back in 1994 that I've only just loaned to my Mum and Dad because theirs is in for repair, and I hardly use it. I've always chosen Sony in car stereo's because of the pure quality and simplicity. Sony to me says Quality, like Panasonic or Pioneer or any other established brand you care to mention. But from this point on I am boycotting Sony's equipment. I've mentioned it before but the rootkit debacle has shown how little respect Sony have for their customers. If you normally buy Sony equipment, I urge you to boycott them too and urge others also to do so. We have to get a message to manufacturers, Music distributors and anyone else who thinks that they should: 1) Treat their customers as criminals 2) Install software onto your PC without your express permission to do so. And by that I mean telling you that is what they want to do, rather than Burying it in a EULA (End User Licensing Agreement) among the le
A place where I can post random thoughts which don't fit into 140 characters.