"Couples who are living together should have more legal rights, according to a report by the Law Commission." Another example of our Nanny state. If people want this level of protection they need to either get married or enter into a legal agreement, I think that the idea that two people who've lived together for two years should automatically receive legal protection will actually cause some couples to break up before the 2 years. Also when do you classify two people as living together, if you stay over a couple of nights a week, do you live there? What if you do that for Eighteen months and then move in full time for a year, have you lived there for two and a half years? The answer to this question seems obvious but who decides or clasifies the terms. Some people live together for years and do not want or need this level of protection. Why can't Government spend both the time and money wasted on this proposal on so
A place where I can post random thoughts which don't fit into 140 characters.