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Showing posts from April, 2007


We've had an on and off problem with our broadband connection for a few weeks, I thought it was the router and replaced it. Well this afternoon I got back from work and it Sucked royally, so I disconnected everything and connected my work laptop to the Cable modem. Last time I did that it all seemed fine and speedy, but this time it was dropping packets left and right, over 20% at 13:17 I phone Customer Sevice and very quickly got through to a person. That's important because I don't have an NTL phone so it costs me money to phone them. I explained the problem and the young lady took me through a few things which I expect, 1st line is there to weed out the stupid stuff. She then stated that it was a problem with my firewall because she couldn't ping my laptop, I reluctantly turned the XP firewall off and she tried again. YL "I can't get a ping on your laptop, you must have another firewall switched on." Me "Nope" YL "Yes you mu...