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Showing posts from September, 2010

Is that a Computer in your pocket...

As many people know, IOS 4.2 comes to iPad in a couple of months, maybe less. The second it is released, there will be a stampede to download and install it onto people's ipads. Of course, people in the App Development program have advanced beta versions to help them test and if necessary, recode their apps so they work on day one. But Fanboi's all over the world wait with baited breath to take their iPads and upgrade them to allow multitasking and various other features. It is however at this point that the moaning will start. "App A crashes with 4.2, and I can't live without it" and this is where people fail to do proper risk analysis and treat their phones and personal devices as the computers they are. It amazes me that so many people rush so quickly to update the phones they base their lives around without the slightest thought that something might actually go wrong, or that 3rd party developers may not have had time to test their mobile apps agains